
We're a gathering of people trying to Love God & Love others, with all of our lives.

Currently, we are holding service at 10:00am here on 2nd & Ivy.  You can watch our services Live (click here) or listen anytime to past messages.  You can expect a creative mix of music and singing, people sharing their stories, a sermon delivered by a pastor or elder, and interactive experiences on any given Sunday.

We believe in Jesus' grace and try to show His grace to one another on our way. 

We invite you to journey with us as we find hope & community!

Connect @ FCC

Are you new to FCC?

Questions? Comments? Prayers?

We'd love it if you'd take a moment to share a bit about yourself or your family.  If there is anything we can be praying about for you, let us know. Oh, and welcome to FCC!


Florence Christian Church

990 W. 2nd St. 

PO Box 306

Florence, OR 97439




[email protected]

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